WineryPOS Update (4.38) available

Robert Peck robert at
Tue Jan 30 14:45:46 EST 2018

Version 4.38 is now available for download and the new iPad version is
available in iTunes.


To check for updates select Help/Check for Updates from the menu bar, and
the download will begin.

On base and sales terminals you have to be in admin mode (F12) to be able to
check for updates.


When the download completes, select 'Yes' to start the installation.

   Follow the installer directions.

   You can now restart the WineryPOS application.


It is better to update your base terminal first.  As of version 4.31 remote
terminals will automatically detect and pull the update from the base
terminal.  If you have anti-virus software running, you may need to verify
that the WineryPOS application is still being allowed through the anti-virus



1) Contact List has a number of changes

1a) First and Last Names can now be entered for Retail contacts only.

1b) Notes can be added to the contact

1c) Email Lists can be added.  You can now create and manage email lists.  I
still need to add the ability to generate emails for a chosen email list.

1d) Contact names now have BOLD last names.  If there is no last name, the
contact name is treated as the last name.

1e) Contacts are sorted LAST NAME, FIRST NAME for display.

1f) on the iPad, you need to scroll now to view all of the info - the CC
info is hidden until you scroll.

2) Enhanced Import/Export (under the Config menu).  You can now
import/export contacts, sale items, wine items, bottle inventory items, and
general inventory items.  If you want to update your retail contacts to use
first and last names, it is easier to export the list, modify the exported
list, and then import the changes - as opposed to modifying each contact

3) iPads and remote terminals will now store sales as temporary sales if
they lose connectivity to the base terminal in the middle of a transaction.
You will be notified is this occurs, and be able to import the transaction
when connectivity is re-established.  The terminals used to inform you that
the transaction did not complete, but were not saving the failed transaction
to import later.

4) Import of temporary Sales and Promotion transactions are all in the same
dialog now.  This used to require multiple button clicks to import the data,
but now it only takes one.

5) A 'View PDF' button has been added to the Sales Summary display.

6) Historic bottle inventory can now be edited more easily.  Either directly
in the history dialog, or via import/export.  There are a lot of
combinations here, so if you're looking to update bottles in historic
inventories (adding and/or removing), send me an email on what you would
like to do.

7) Bulk history total litres shown in the dialog has been fixed to be the
same as your ending bulk inventory for the month.

8) Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Upcoming additions:

1) Contact Lists.  a) Wine club tracking.  b) Ability to generate emails for
email lists, and wine club lists. c) Option to sort contacts by FIRST NAME,

2) Import/Export.  a) handle Sale Groups and Sale Sets.  b) Bulk inventory.
c) Sales data posting to QuickBooks and Sage.

3) Ability to hide sales channels that are not being used.

4) Ability to create a sub sales channel(s) under WRS sales reporting (e.g.,
Online, Wine Club).

5) Ability to split an invoice, or combine invoices (useful for dining/table

6) A configurable table map for dining that can be used instead of numeric
table entry.

7) Ability to print to two secondary (food) printers, and one by-the-glass
(bar) printer.

8) Expand the booking feature.

9) I expect a new winery reporting template to be issued by the LCBO in
Feb/March for April reporting.

10) Modify the size of some dialogs that may be chopped on smaller displays.


I expect the next update to be in the late March time-frame.


As always, if there are any enhancements that you would like to see added,
let me know.  I put everything suggested on a prioritized list, and slowly
work my way through it.





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