WineryPOS Update (4.66) available - SPECIAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS

Robert Peck robert at
Wed Jun 3 15:37:57 EDT 2020

As was pointed out, I missed the .ca in my urls below.  It has been


From: Pos [mailto:pos-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: June 3, 2020 3:21 PM
To: pos at
Subject: WineryPOS Update (4.66) available - SPECIAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS


Version 4.66 is now available for download and the new iPad version is
available in iTunes.


My ISP recently re-routed my server and in the process changed its static IP
address.  Due to this change, the WineryPOS software will fail to connect to
the server when you Check for Updates via the software (for this update
only).  After this update, the update process will be back to normal.




The installer files for MACs and Windows computers must be downloaded from
my website and installed manually for this update.


Windows Installer file


MAC Installer file


To install the software:

1)      Click on the Windows or MAC installer link above to download the
correct installer for your computer.

2)      Press Save File to save the file to your browser's Downloads

3)      When the download completes, press the Downloads button of your
browser and select the WineryPOS_20200528 installer and select Open file

4)      Your browser will most likely warn you that it is an executable
file.  Your browser may show different options, but the most common options

a.       Select OK to run OR

b.      Press More Info and Run Anyways

5)      Run the installer as normal to install the software.


If you have multiple computers, you can either do these steps on each
computer, or after the first install, copy the installer file onto a USB
stick and then install from the USB stick for the remaining computers.


If you want help, call me.  The only bad day to call is tomorrow  - June 4th
(as I am installing the software at 2 wineries tomorrow and will be
unavailable all day).


Updates this version:

1)      Allow price modification of wines in Licensee and LCBO sales
channels when creating a transaction.

2)      Add logic to prevent the possibility of creating two duplicate
invoices if you slowly double-click the invoice button.

3)      Fix conversion of transactions to/from the Custom sales channel.

4)      Allow commissions on all sales channels (used to ignore
LCBO/OOP/Export channels).

5)      Fix commission generation to insure an invoice is only added to a
single commission generation each month.

6)      Show view csv/pdf buttons for Sale Channel summary dialog

7)      BTG and TH Groups. You can create groups of your wines for BTG or
Tied-House, if you want to have multiple price points for different sets of
wines.  For example, I have two sets: Premium and regular.  All of the wines
that are at a higher price point, I have added to the a 'Premium BTG' group

a.       To create/manage the groups, from the menu bar select Config /
By-the-Glass/Tied-House Groups

b.      Any wines NOT specified in a group will be shown in the regular BTG
or Tied-House sales item button.

c.       To create a BTG Group sale item, press the Select button, and pick
'BTG Group' when modifying a Sales Item button.

8)      Added a 'Balance Forward' Sale Category.  This is really for new
wineries that are moving data into the POS software.

a.       Quickly create a Balance Forward from the menu bar by selecting
Sales / Create / Balance Forward.

                                                               i.      Pick
the Contact for the balance forward, then

                                                             ii.      Change
the balance forward title if you want

                                                            iii.      Set
the forward amount

b.      This really just creates an invoice for the contact, for the amount

9)      Added a 'Credit On Account' Sale Category AND 'Credit-on-Account'
payment type.  You can use credit-on-account to allow someone to pre-pay for
a service (e.g., Wine Club membership or pre-release of a wine).  This
amount shows up as a Payable for the winery.  There are a couple ways of
creating a credit-on-account.

a.       To create a credit-on-account (for a membership or pre-release of a

                                                               i.      From
the menu bar select Sales / Create / Credit-on-Account

                                                             ii.      Pick
the contact the credit is for

                                                            iii.      Change
the credit on account title to something appropriate (e.g, Wine Club

                                                           iv.      Set the
amount to be charged

                                                             v.      Pick
the method of payment (Visa/MC/Cash).  Do not pick Credit-on-Account (that
is for step b - balance forward below).

                                                           vi.      A zero $
transaction is created, and the amount is added to the contact's credit on

b.      To create a credit-on-account for a balance forward

                                                               i.      Same
steps as a), but pick Credit-on-Account for the payment type (this creates a
refund transaction).

c.       To create a credit-on-account for a refund of returned items

Create a refund, but when selecting the payment type, pick

Current credit-on-accounts can be viewed by selecting Sales / Pre-paid Sales
(Payable) Summary from the menu bar.

To apply credit-on-accounts to a transaction, create an invoice for the
contact for the applicable wines/items.  When the invoice is displayed and
the contact has a credit-on-account, you will be prompted to apply their
credit to the current transaction.

10)   Misc bug fixes

11)   Database speed enhancements.  You should notice a speed improvement
accessing large amounts of data.


Upcoming Additions;

1)      Add Credit-on-Account tables to all of the relevant reports

2)      Add complexity to the Sales Accounting reports, with the potential
of being able to post the data to Sage and Quickbooks

3)      Import/Export.  a) handle Sale Groups and Sale Sets.  b) Bulk

4)      Be able to create sub-invoices or invoice sets for large sales done
through sales reps.

5)      Offer a backup service to store encrypted backups of your database
on my server.

6)      Ability to create barcodes or QR codes for membership contacts that
can be scanned from a smart phone.  That way membership swipe cards are not

7)      Create an iPhone app that supports the booking feature.

8)      Add a timesheet feature to track/report employee work hours

9)      Be able to Print bookings by the week/month.

10)   Add secondary commission rate for specific sales channels (eg Export,
or OOP).

11)   Add a Loyalty program to award points/discounts/stuff to individuals
based on their purchases over the past number of month/weeks.

12)   Add ability to create reports for individual contacts for a period of
time that contain all transactions, and payments on the account for the

13)   Soon the MAC build will only support 10.9+.  This is due to Apple
changing its security requirements for apps in the near future.

14)   I will be moving the Windows build to a 64bit build (the MAC build has
always been 64bit) by the summer of 2021.  This means that really old 32bit
computers (12+ years and probably running Windows XP) will no longer be
supported.  If you have really old machines, you should consider upgrading
them (but kodus for surviving this long).



I expect the next update to be in late-July or August.


As always, if there are any enhancements that you would like to see added,
let me know.  I put everything suggested on a prioritized list, and slowly
work my way through it.





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